疑主持人张羽从央视离职 担任互联网公司副总裁(双语)

2019-01-22 05:14

  为了帮助大家学习英语,新东方在线小编特为大家准备了疑主持人张羽从央视离职 担任互联网公司副总裁(双语),多多阅读对于提高英语水平是至关重要的,更多英语学习资料欢迎大家随时关注英语学习网http: english koolearn com

疑主持人张羽从央视离职 担任互联网公司副总裁(双语)


  On the evening of the 13th, it was reported that Zhang Yu, a well-known CCTV host, had resigned from CCTV and moved to an Internet company as a vice president. Zhang Yu used to be a famous news host of CCTV. After graduating from Peking University's School of International Relations, he entered CCTV. He has presided over several key programs such as Focus Interview, Oriental Time and Space, News 1+1, and Face to Face.


  At the time of CCTV's 50-year-old Zhang Yu, in addition to being the anchor of many daily key news, many large-scale news broadcasts are mainly played by him. He can be seen in the live broadcast of many big news events on weekdays. So everyone is very familiar with him.


  In fact, this news is not unexpected. After the "Oriental Time and Space" on August 12 last year, Zhang Yu has not appeared in the live broadcast program for nearly half a year.


  A group of viewers familiar with the favorite host and reporters left CCTV. The reasons for each person's departure are different. The changes of the times also make everyone more diverse in career choices.

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